Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Yeah So What?

So I haven't updated in awhile eh? It's been forever since I blogged anything, and my information is all outta date, not to mention the fact that my profile picture is all broken and stuff. Pretty sorry state of affairs. Not like anybody reads this thing anymore, anyway. Too busy on Facebook, no doubt, but I'm guilty on that count, myself.

What have I been doing with my time, you may ask? Playing lots of music (B.O.R.'s first show is coming up on June 28th at Logan's pub, woo!), and finally got back into writing Truestar's Fire after a long hiatus.. chapter 8 is nearing completion!

And we moved, and I got a new job with the Government, which I guess I posted about before, but it still feels sorta new. Anyway, that's it for now. I may get around to fixing up the joint sooner or later. But if I don't, I'm sure nobody will mind.