Monday, September 19, 2005

Absentee Poster??!

Okay, so it would appear I have been out of the blogging loop for quite some time, but I can explain - honestly I can!

A few updates..

I've been super busy at work - recently got promoted into a whole new arena and it is the busiest I have ever been since working here. Good, but hella busy!

Most of my free writing time has been spent on the novel, which has been renamed (permanently this time, I am fairly certain) to "Truestar's Fire". If I ever want to get anything published I've gotta put the nose to the grindstone in that area for sure.

Lisa and Ron and I went camping up at Strathcona (Ralph River) with Baron and had a jolly old time - Baron, as it turns out, is a capital swimmer, though I think we tired him out between all the of the kong retrieval, swimming and the icey cold glacier water, as he immediately demanded entry into our tent and slept for about 15 hours straight upon our return to camp.

Things within the community at SPC have started to see some redemption in areas that have been of great concern to me - this is truly a Godsend, but I will post more on that another time.

Also, Lisa and I are hopelessly addicted to CSI .. we've been renting the DVDs like they were going out of style and watched 6 episodes on saturday alone. That night I dreamt that I was part of the team. What can I say, it is a good show. Anyway, that's all for now.. I have some real meaty posts brewing that will hopefully be posted soon - stay tuned boys and girls!


Rain Child said...

welcome back!!!!
that promotion things gotta be pretty cool. i always liked it when my status changed for the better. well hope to hear more form u soon. cya!

c nadeau & t johnson said...

I am working with a small publisher right now that is interested in series fantasy and science fiction. I can pass your name along if you're interested. My novel is slated for release some time next year.

Anonymous said...

Absentee Poster! Come on, get a move on. I want posts, I want posts!