Monday, March 21, 2005

Ruder Awakening

So we actually spent our first night back home last night.. and as the title suggests, it was actually worse than I imagined. I think we may have chosen pretty well the worst time to move back into our icy dungeon as the temperature dropped to like 1 degree last night. I also hear there is a possibility of snow on the horizon. Not what I want to hear. Not at all.

To add insult to injury that oil-fulled radiator we bought is a Grade-A P.O.S. (for those of you who are unfamilar with the acronym, that means Piece of Suckyheatingequipment). We left it on overnight in our bedroom and I knew when I got up this morning and felt the cold fingers of icy death grabbing my feet when I stepped on the floor that a certain oil-filled heater was not living up to our expectations. In the heater's defence, it did a bang-up job of heating up the air in a 6 inch circle directly around itself.

To add schoolyard name calling to the insult that was added to the injury, Baron (our 11 year German Shepherd) appears to have bitten and/or scratched the fur off of a small patch of skin on his right side. I'm guessing its a flea thing.. hopefully it won't require an expensive trip to the vet.

In a further quest to heat our house, we've decided to exchange the oil-filled heater for two portable baseboard heaters.. it'll cost more, but the baseboards are apparently safe to leave on when we aren't there and should heat the house more efficiently. I guess we'll see. Pray for us.. pray that someone doesn't find us in the next few days, huddled in our bed like 2 giant icecubes (a la bugs bunny).


~WandererShe~ said...
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~WandererShe~ said...

I was glad to read on that the icy fingers of death were not in reference to me !
PS- do you know where my earmuffs and mittens are??

*oh and apparently you can only delete your comment not edit it...Blogger has no mercy for spelling mistakes...

Island Girl said...

Aw, I feel sorry for you guys. Lisa, I have a scarf you can borrow, ha ha!

Anonymous said... least oil (though abused by the 1912 furnace) has a repugnant, yet somehow delicious aroma to it!

-author unknown