Friday, May 13, 2005

Controversial Origins

Last night I was watching a news type show on TV that was talking about the big fight going on in Kansas right now over what theory should be taught in school about the origins of life on Earth. There are three primary teachings - Creationism (which seems to also assume the existence of God), Evolution and Intelligent Design (which to me sounds like creationism on a smaller scale. I guess they figured God was too politically incorrect so they aren't stating WHO the intelligence was.)

This of course is not a new debate but it seems that in the case of Kansas they actually at one point had stopped teaching Evolution - at least I think that's how it went down. Evolutionists naturally fought back in an attempt to have their theory of choice taught as it is in most schools these days. So now these creationists and intelligent designists are (or were?) fighting to keep the theory of evolution out of schools.

Is it just me or does this seem really dumb to anyone else? Now I'm not going to pretend to be all ecumenical and "open minded" enough to say "those evolutionists could be right!" because as I'm sure most of you know, I don't believe in evolution. I am an extremely confident creationist because I do know that God exists and that he was behind all of creation.

Having said that, let's be fair about this - we're talking about school here, not "church", so why do all the Christians feel that teaching evolution is wrong? Its like we're so insecure and worried about REAL scientists knocking holes in our beliefs that we don't want anyone to know about the other theories out there. And the thing is, all three ideas ARE just that- theories. No one has ever been able to prove anything about where we come from. I believe in creation because I believe in God - it is a faith issue, not a science issue. I also happen to believe that science and the various laws of probability DO support the idea of creation, but I recognize that there is room in there for other theories.

Its not like the evolutionists are all a bunch of ignorant, lying snake-oil salesmen - they believe in evolution every bit as much as I believe in creation. But what happens when we fight about it? People become polarized - they pick a side and then just stick to it out of principle. People who might normally seek the truth instead become defenders of this theory or that theory.

To all you creationists out there who want to ban education on the theory of evolution or intelligent design - WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF!!?? Do you REALLY believe, or do you just THINK you believe? I believe in the power of the truth and I believe that a real truth seeker WILL find what he seeks, because God promised that. So don't be afraid of evolution and science and all the rest of it.

How about we start teaching all the theories and let everyone come to their own conclusions?


Anonymous said...

I find that the very fact that intelligent design and creation are even being "discussed" in schools, tells a story about many things. Most notably, that evolution (albeit widely accepted) does not, and cannot satisfy the begging question of our origin. Every human has within them a need to know "who" they are and "who" made them, even if the need is buried under rebellion and our society today.
That need clearly is breaking through in the education system today, and I think the real victory here is that, as you put it Ry, all "theories" are being explored...and hopefully the student will be given the choice to draw his or her own conclusions, and not accept evolution simlpy because it is status quo.

I recall how in the public school system, any practice or religion can be taught (and even encouraged) but a stain exists on the promotion of the real truth.
I remember a mutual close friend of ours once said before he was saved, that indeed it makes MORE sense that creation be the nature of our existance, rather then evolution. He is a very logical, methodical individual and it amazed me that he determined this by simple "reason", and not speculation.

My final thought on this, is that I actually used to hold the perpective of what I would call a Christian Evolutionist. I thought "Hey, why couldn't evolution be the way we were created?" It wasn't until I was reading a book that spoke about this very thing and it forced me to examine Genesis in a new way. Understanding the scriptures read that everything was created "according to it's kind" speaks of an intended function and form for everything from the get-go. Not a function that will develop and change (and I'm not referring to metamorphisis) =) Furthermore, the concept of evolution contradicts the very character of who God is, and suggests that we weren't in his ideal design to begin with, but rather through time we will be. This is ridiculous, but I had to come to this conclusion with the freedom to explore both sides!

I really appreciate this post Ry, and if anything it reminds us that we can examine both sides, while knowing that Holy Spirit (who IS truth) will lead us into all truth. Always.

Anonymous said...

Can't really add to much more to the comments of Quigley...well thought out and well said.

I wish I could remember the name of the book I read years ago where Darwin mused his theory of evolution actually was an act of plagiarism. The opening chapter of Genesis although the act of was an evolutionary process over a period of time. God's word says, a moment can be like a thousand years, and thousand years a moment.The problem is we are on the timeline, and He is outside of it. Until we join him in that realm, we will never truly understand.