Friday, February 10, 2006

/rant off

I feel compelled to offer apologies for the level of vitriol that came out of my previous little rant there.. what started out as a simple venting of frustrations quickly turned into a monster of the kind of scale previously only achieved by Godzilla, or perhaps Mothra.

In any case, I am loathe to continue feeding the rant monster with the bloody carcasses of my dearest friends, so I am turning him off. That's right, off. Thanks to the incredible technology contained in my monster control collar I can deactivate the beast within with a few simple keystrokes. So in the name of Peace, Democracy and Friendly Banter --

/rant off


Rain Child said...

wow... i wish i could do that sometimes. normally when i get going into a rant it has to finish it's course but hey to each their own.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan, it was great lively conversation. Thanks!!!

~WandererShe~ said...

I understand where you were coming from honey. I know you were ranting with a lot of thoughts you hadn't really put all together. I am fortunate that I know you so well that I could tell what you were trying to say, unfortunately other people might not see what you were intending. You said you were ranting from the start so I took that into consideration while I was reading. Don't take reactions too personally, everyone has passion and sometimes we forget how our words make other people feel when we get lost in that passion. Good call on "rant off" it was bound to get out of control.