Monday, February 27, 2006

Smoke, Mirrors and Popoff

Just to let you know, I'm not actually going to waste an entire post on Peter Popoff (believe me, the guy ain't worth it), but moreso to address the spirit in which people like Peter Popoff are operating.

Its funny how much applicable truth you can find in the Bible if you look just a little bit. Some of you who know me may have noticed that I can get a little bit caught up in being frustrated over all of the irrationally blind things that people do because they are deceived to the truth that a lot of Christians (including myself, apparently) take for granted.

The latest big thing, of course, was my pseudo-political rant about the whole Danish/Moslem cartoon thing (the violence continues to escalate, I might add), which, though I still find it entirely unbelievable, I am well aware that the existance of religious double-standards should come as no surprise - the spirits run deep in this kind of thing, and the world can't help but be deceived. I guess that is sort of the definition of "the world" in a lot of ways. And it doesn't come as a surprise, but like many things, it irks me. Yes it does, and its not alone.

Something that has mystified, infuriated and frustrated me in equal parts since time immemorial is the existance and apparent power of the charlatan: the psychics, the mediums and the phony faith healers. All are operating under the same premise and power, namely the devil. All depend upon the fragile emotions of hurting people to add digits to their bank accounts and worst yet, all of these pervert and twist the character of God, preventing their victims from ever knowing the REAL father, and from knowing true freedom. For those who see through these sheisters, they are often lumped together with real believers and thus the gap is widened between the skeptics and the truth.

I think the worst of these, in my mind, are the phony faith healers (ala Peter Popoff). Deceitful men (and women - Peter Popoff's wife is a key player in his deceptions) who call upon the name of Jesus to "heal" people, while gluing their hands firmly into the pockets of their followers. And yet there are circumstances in which they demonstrate the power to produce the signs, wonders and in some cases miracles to back up their lies. Why? How can these deceivers have the power to do such things? This is a question that has always bothered me. I was always under the impression that only Christ could empower people to do things like that, and it bugged me.

Funny how, after reading a mere 7 chapters into the gospels that this, like a great many of the irksome things that go on in the world, that this very thing is so directly addressed by Jesus. Check this out (I love the way the NLT puts this):

21"Not all people who sound religious are really godly. They may refer to me as `Lord,' but they still won't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The decisive issue is whether they obey my Father in heaven. 22On judgment day many will tell me, `Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.' 23But I will reply, `I never knew you. Go away; the things you did were unauthorized.' " Matt 7:21-23

I love that - "the things you did were unauthorized". That just sums it up so perfectly for me. So, to sum it up - Peter Popoff, Reverend Moon, Miss Chloe, Ramtha and all the rest of the devil-powered miracle workers in the world may be able to do some genuinely amazing things, but without the authorization that comes from Christ for such things, all they really have is a lot of smoke and mirrors.


~WandererShe~ said...

You mean the 'Miracle Spring Water' I recieved in the mail was a hoax?!
I guess I don't need to send "7x$7 to ensure my healing" after all ;)

Anonymous said...

Issue isn't about the fakes, but more so as to where are the true healers, prophets and apostles?

Sad that the church doesn't yet know how to foster an environment of the miraculous, or a culture of hearing Gods voice.

The outcome...

Many turn to those fakes and flakes. And the truth is that that miracle spring water will work, cause God will always back up his word, even if the messanger is a flake.

If only faith were more of a commodity in church culture than emotional and spiritual comfort...

Quigley said...

I believe that parts of the church are in fact walking in such an enviroment that does foster the moving of the genuine and pure supernatural works of the Lord. I've seen it myself - but not on TV.. and definitely not in the media.. yet.

I remember how Jesus said himself (cf. Jn 14:12) that we will do even greater things then He, as He went to the Father. This I believe however is central to our being in Christ. We see the results of people doing such things without Jesus as the centre of their lives in Acts 19:

13Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, "In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out." 14Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. 15(One day) the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?" 16Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding.

The biggest difference (as you pointed out Ryan) between physics (and the like) and the true prophetic.... is the source. If it's not from the Lord - and we test the fruit - then it can only come from the enemy. No grey area there.

These days our society is wowed by street magicians and likes of Kris Angel, David Blaine..etc.. This is nothing new. The magicians played that game with Moses.. and who guess who won! We need to pray that the truth comes strong to such a spiritually famished society! But it must God's way of accomplishing that - and not ours. Otherwise.. we can end up looking just like the false prophets of this day!

The stale old wineskin won't do anymore - and is it ANY wonder there has been a steady increase of sign and wonders (the real kind) in the last couple years? Perhaps not..

~WandererShe~ said...

Perhaps you don't know all the details surrounding what the "miracle spring water" I don't believe for a second that God would be part of a tactic that involves sending money to ensure they are healed. I believe He will heal, and that He does that many ways but our healing is not based on whether we give money to a particular ministry or not. Obviously that does not eliminate God using specific situations that involve money/faith. However God does not require that we pay someone to be supernaturally healed and definately not to someone who spouts the kinds of heinous lies that Peter Popoff does. There's my 2 cents.

Delbert said...

I like what's being said here, but sometimes I wonder, what is God's way of bringing about truth today? I'm sort of reminded about what Ry posted previously about praying in secret and earning real rewards while leaving the fakes on the street corner to earn only what they deserve. but it deffinitely irks me to just sit back and let these deceivers rule the airwaves!!!

Why can't God use the media, because it doesn't look like he is right now. Everything that touches our modern media giant is corrupted faster than i care to think about. maybe that's only because the light hasn't permeated it yet