Monday, July 31, 2006

Temporary Reprieve

Well we took Baron into the vet today with every intention of having the dirty deed done, but after talking with our vet and really evaluating how we were feeling and also how Baron has been, we've decided to wait a little while longer. From the vet's obervations and also from what we have told her of our own observations he is actually not suffering the way we had thought, and though he is, as she put it "handicapped", he isn't in pain and isn't really suffering in the way human beings might suffer from similar ailments.

It is true that he will probably not be around a whole heck of a lot longer before his back legs really become paralyzed, and that is definately where the line would be drawn for us. Anyway, for now, our old boy is alive and kicking. And we found his favourite toy, to. Amazing how a dog can perk up at the sight of his Koool Kong :)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear things worked out for you! My thoughts are with you.

Michelle's Books said...

I am so glad to hear that things are going better. Stay cool and I will talk to you later.

Jennifer Kurz said...

Hey, Ryan!
Thanks for the comments on my blogs! I'm glad to know you are doing better, and that your doggie is going to be around longer.

To answer your question, I don't know when I'll visit Victoria next, but I would certainly love to go there again. Last time I went was when I was thirteen! It was for a field trip in fifth grade. We went to the Natural History Museum (love that Wolly Mammoth!), and the Wax Museum. Let me tell you, there is some creepy, morbid stuff in there! LOL! It scared the crap out of me when I was eight, (which was the first time I visited.)

Yeah, my blog space is really new. I got tired of Myspace, decided to delete my profile, and created one on here instead. So far, so good!

BTW: I guess people's faces look their best when you capture them at a sort of 45 degree angle. At least, that's how I feel about mine. :0) Thanks again!

Jennifer Kurz said...

Oh wait! The field trip was sixth grade, and I was twelve. It's been a while. Not that it matters that much. :0)

Anonymous said...

STRINGER! What's up with the lack of updates here? You want I should come over there?

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to this left-leaning atheist ass you were speechin' 'bout?
I'm a'dying to know